Dependency Injection in Javascript

- 11 mins

If you like to develop your Javascript applications in a functional style, often times you have to deal with Dependency Injection when it comes to unit-test functions that depend on other functions. Fortunately, with ES6 default parameters DI becomes quite simple. Let’s see an example.

Example: An API Client

Most client applications need to communicate with a remote server, So let’s build a simple API client module with a few functions. The end goal looks like this:

// an usual TODO app...

import * as apiClient from "./lib/api.client";

  .addTodo({ text: "wash dishes" })
  .then(todo => console.log("New todo added:", todo))
  .catch(errors => console.log("Something went wrong:", errors));

//=> New todo added: { id: "1", text: "wash dishes", done: false }

// ...

  .then(todos => console.log(todos))
  .catch(errors => console.log("Something went wrong:", errors));

//=> [ { id: "1", text: "wash dishes", done: false } ]

Our client is just a namespace of functions, each one representing a different HTTP request to a remote server. To send the actual request we intend to use fetch which returns a Promise wrapping the response. So the fetch function will be our dependency.

Starting With Tests

Let’s write a few unit test cases to drive the development of our functions. In order to test them in isolation we need to inject a fake fetch function as we don’t want to exercise the real HTTP requests.

// test/api.client.test.js
import * as client from "../lib/api.client";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { stub } from "sinon";

describe("api client", () => {
  let fakeFetch;

  beforeEach(() => {
    fakeFetch = stub();

  describe("fetchTodos()", () => {
    it("retrieves all todos", () => {
      const fakeResponse = Promise.resolve({
        status: 200,
        json: () => Promise.resolve([{
          id: "1",
          text: "walk the dog",
          done: false


      return client.fetchTodos(fakeFetch).then(todos => {
          id: "1",
          text: "walk the dog",
          done: false

We stubbed fetch to return an arbitrary response and passed as an argument to fetchTodos. That can be implemented as a default parameter.

// lib/api.client.js
import defaultFetch from "isomorphic-fetch";

export const fetchTodos = (fetch = defaultFetch) =>
  fetch("/api/todos").then(res => res.json());

We’re importing the real fetch implementation as the default argument value. This way, we keep the proposed interface unchanged. Let’s add a test for addTodo as well.

// test/api.client.test.js
import * as client from "../lib/api.client";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { stub, match } from "sinon";

describe("api client", () => {
  let fakeFetch;

  beforeEach(() => {
    fakeFetch = stub();

  // ...

  describe("addTodo()", () => {
    it("creates a new todo successfully", () => {
      const requestData = match
        .has("method", "POST")
        .and(match.has("body", JSON.stringify({ text: "wash dishes" })));

      const fakeResponse = Promise.resolve({
        status: 202,
        json: () => Promise.resolve({
          id: "2",
          text: "wash dishes",
          done: false

      fakeFetch.withArgs("/api/todos", requestData).returns(fakeResponse); 

      return client.addTodo({ text: "wash dishes" }, fakeFetch).then(todo => {
          id: "2",
          text: "wash dishes",
          done: false

Here again, we pass the fakeFetch as an argument to addTodo. The implementation will be similar as the one for fetchTodos.

// lib/api.client.js
import defaultFetch from "isomorphic-fetch";

export const fetchTodos = (fetch = defaultFetch) =>
  fetch("/api/todos").then(res => res.json());

export const addTodo =  (todo, fetch = defaultFetch) =>
  fetch("/api/todos", {
    method: "POST",
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    body: JSON.stringify({ text: todo.text })
  }).then(res => res.json());

At this point, we can remove the code duplication by moving the default parameter to the namespace level. For that, we’ll define a createApiClient function. Let’s change the tests accordingly.

// lib/api.client.test.js
import createApiClient from "../lib/api.client.";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { stub, match } from "sinon";

describe("api client", () => {
  let fakeFetch;
  let client;

  beforeEach(() => {
    fakeFetch = stub();
    client = createApiClient(fakeFetch)

  describe("fetchTodos()", () => {
    it("retrieves all todos", () => {
      const fakeResponse = Promise.resolve({
        status: 200,
        json: () => Promise.resolve([{
          id: "1",
          text: "walk the dog",
          done: false


      return client.fetchTodos().then(todos => {
          id: "1",
          text: "walk the dog",
          done: false

  describe("addTodo()", () => {
    it("creates a new todo successfully", () => {
      const requestData = match
        .has("method", "POST")
        .and(match.has("body", JSON.stringify({ text: "wash dishes" })));

      const fakeResponse = Promise.resolve({
        status: 202,
        json: () => Promise.resolve({
          id: "2",
          text: "wash dishes",
          done: false

      fakeFetch.withArgs("/api/todos", requestData).returns(fakeResponse); 

      return client.addTodo({ text: "wash dishes" }).then(todo => {
          id: "2",
          text: "wash dishes",
          done: false

As you can see in the new version of the tests, we’re now injecting fakeFetch to createApiClient. That new function acts like a contructor: it builds the namespace and make the injected fetch available to the entire namespace scope. Let’s make that change to the application code.

// lib/api.client.js
import defaultFetch from "isomorphic-fetch";

const createApiClient = (fetch = defaultFetch) => ({
  fetchTodos: () =>
    fetch("/api/todos").then(res => res.json()),

  addTodo: todo =>
    fetch("/api/todos", {
      method: "POST",
      headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
      body: JSON.stringify({ text: todo.text })
    }).then(res => res.json()),

export default createApiClient;

With the refactoring above, our initial code snippet will have to change a little bit. Now we have to call first createApiClient instead of just importing all functions.

// an usual TODO app...

import createApiClient from "./lib/api.client";
const apiClient = createApiClient();

  .addTodo({ text: "wash dishes" })
  .then(todo => console.log("New todo added:", todo))
  .catch(errors => console.log("Something went wrong:", errors));

//=> New todo added: { id: "1", text: "wash dishes", done: false }

// ...

  .then(todos => console.log(todos))
  .catch(errors => console.log("Something went wrong:", errors));

//=> [ { id: "1", text: "wash dishes", done: false } ]

The code above represent a sample usage of our module. Notice that the calling code doesn’t have to pass fetch to createApiClient since we used a default parameter. Besides that, we are now able to add more functions to the module (like toggleTodo, for instance) and have fetch available to them.


ES6 default parameters enable functional DI in simple and elegant way. The approach demonstrated in this post suggests a new point of view on function arguments:

Check out the complete example code at

Vinicius Gomes

Vinicius Gomes

Software Developer

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