Elegant Validations in Javascript
- 11 minsHow do you model business rules validations? Although there seems to be a variety of approaches out there, some common abstractions are often present. Given an arbitrary data structure representing an entity in your domain, a validation algorithm will usually be composed by:
- A group of predicates to check business rules against the entity.
- A validation result which will either sign success or failure.
- A collection of validation errors in case of failure.
It’s a quite simple protocol. But many people still keep on re-writting validation utilities using slightly variant approaches, specially in the Javascript world.
Throwing Runtime Errors
When it comes to validation errors, one of the most popular ways to handle them is by throwing runtime errors and/or exceptions. Particularly in Javascript, you’ll find people using native Error
objects sometimes combined with .catch()
calls in promises or just surrounded by try/catch
This approach however has two fundamental issues:
Validation errors are not necessarily exceptional. They are rather expected business scenarios. They are not in the same category as network/integration failures or invalid state caused by defects, for instance.
When you throw a runtime error, you skip the current thread execution, which makes it virtually impossible to accumulate all the validation errors together. See the example below.
const isPasswordLongEnough = password => {
if (!password.length > 6)
throw new Error("Password must have more than 6 characters");
const isPasswordStrongEnough = password => {
if (!(/[\W]/.test(a)))
throw new Error("Password must contain special characters");
const validate = password => {
// => Error: Password must have more than 6 characters.
// => Error: Password must contain special characters.
Notice that the first validate()
call above should have resulted in two errors instead of just one.
Monadic Error Handling
Functional programmers familiar with Either will usually think about validations and error handling in terms of functions and data containers. In Javascript, one of the most elegant implementations can be found in the data.validation module from Folktale. (Here is an excellent article by @robotlolita on the topic.)
That module will give you a Validation
container that is implemented by two subtypes: Success
or Failure
. They act like Right
and Left
in Either
but customized to be explicit and handle error accumulation. See the example below (from the docs).
import Validation from "data.validation";
const Success = Validation.Success;
const Failure = Validation.Failure;
const isPasswordLongEnough = password =>
password.length > 6 ?
Success(password) :
Failure(["Password must have more than 6 characters"]);
const isPasswordStrongEnough = password =>
/[\W]/.test(password) ?
Success(password) :
Failure(["Password must contain special characters"]);
const validate = password =>
Success(x => y => password)
// => Validation.Failure([
// "Password must have more than 6 characters.",
// "Password must contain special characters."
// ])
// => Validation.Failure([
// "Password must contain special characters."
// ])
// => Validation.Success("rosesarered$andstuff")
gives you (a) abstractions to represent success and failure, (b) the ability to accumulate errors, and (c) provides you with an interface to manipulate the results in a functional way.
The one inconvenience though is the fact that error accumulation requires a workaround. Take a look at the validate()
function above: we need to call Success
with two levels of function nesting because we are running two validation predicates. The explanation from the docs:
To aggregate the failures, we start with a Success case containing a curried function of arity N (where N is the number of validations), and we just use an
-ply chain to get either the value our Success function ultimately returns, or the aggregated failures.
That limits our ability to define a dynamic validation algorithm that would work with an arbitrary number of predicates. There is though a solution proposed in the article mentioned earlier. But I believe we can bridge that better by using one of my favorite JS libraries: Ramda.
Ramda For The Rescue
The first thing we would like to do now is to be able to dynamically define an auto-curried version of a N-ary function (N being the number of predicates) and then pass it to Success
. We can accomplish that with Ramda’s curryN()
// ...
import { curryN } from "ramda";
const validate = password =>
Success(curryN(2, (x, y) => password))
// => Validation.Failure([
// "Password must have more than 6 characters.",
// "Password must contain special characters."
// ])
That’s the first step. It doesn’t give us much though. curryN()
is defining an auto-curried version of the (x, y) => password
function, so we don’t need nesting anymore. But we are still not dynamic, since the number of predicates is hard-coded. In order to fix that, we need an intermediate step: pass the validations being applied (in the.ap()
calls) as an argument.
// ...
import { curryN, reduce } from "ramda";
const validate = (validations, password) =>
(result, validation) => result.ap(validation(password)), // reducer fn
Success(curryN(2, (x, y) => password), // initial value
validations); // input
validate([isPasswordLongEnough, isPasswordStrongEnough], "foo");
// => Validation.Failure([
// "Password must have more than 6 characters.",
// "Password must contain special characters."
// ])
Now, we are at least generic about the validations being applied to the initial Success
state. For that we used Ramda’s reduce
. The next step is to eliminate the hardcoded values in the curryN()
// ...
import { curryN, reduce, length, always } from "ramda";
const validate = (validations, target) =>
(result, validation) => result.ap(validation(target)), // reducer fn
Success(curryN(length(validations), always(target))), // initial value
validations); // input
validate([isPasswordLongEnough, isPasswordStrongEnough], "foo");
// => Validation.Failure([
// "Password must have more than 6 characters.",
// "Password must contain special characters."
// ])
The trick this time was to use the length of the validations
array in order to determine how many curry levels we need. We also used Ramda’s always
to create a function that regardless of the arguments passed will always return target
Finally, the validate()
function is completely agnostic about the arbitrary validations. It became a generic validator which will work for any number of validation functions returning a Validation
subtype, so we could even rename the password
argument to just target
There is still room for improvement though. Let’s revisit our predicate based validations and try to remove the duplication in there.
// ...
const isPasswordLongEnough = password =>
password.length > 6 ?
Success(password) :
Failure(["Password must have more than 6 characters"]);
const isPasswordStrongEnough = password =>
/[\W]/.test(password) ?
Success(password) :
Failure(["Password must contain special characters"]);
It’s clear that those two functions have the exact same logic except by (a) the predicate being executed and (b) the associated error message. Let’s extract this duplicated logic and try to push it to the validate()
// ...
const accumulateValidationResults = target => (acc, validation) =>
acc.ap(validation.predicate(target) ? Success(target) : Failure([validation.error]));
const validate = (validations, target) =>
Success(curryN(length(validations), always(target))),
const passwordValidations = [
error: "Password must have more than 6 characters",
predicate: password => password.length > 6
error: "Password must contain special characters",
predicate: password => /[\W]/.test(password)
validate(passwordValidations, "foo");
// => Validation.Failure([
// "Password must have more than 6 characters.",
// "Password must contain special characters."
// ])
And that was the last step of our journey. The validate()
function is now able to determine validation results based only on a data structure representing arbitrary validations to be performed against a target object.
Success / Failure
Why is it useful to return a container as a result?
Well, for at least two reasons:
have explicit semantics about what happened and can be used to drive subsequent actions without leaving the current thread. -
Those containers provide a useful interface to safely manipulate the results in a monadic way. You can, for instance, define callbacks for success and failure and fold
return value accordingly.
// ...
const passwordValidations = [
error: "Password must have more than 6 characters",
predicate: password => password.length > 6
error: "Password must contain special characters",
predicate: password => /[\W]/.test(password)
const onSuccess = password => "This is an excellent password!";
const onFailure = errors => "This is invalid because:\n" + errors.map(e => "* " + e).join("\n");
const message = validate(passwordValidations, "foo").fold(onFailure, onSuccess);
// => This is invalid because:
// => * Password must have more than 6 characters.
// => * Password must contain special characters.
The above exercise on defining a Folktale based validate()
utility resulted in a tiny but brave library called Predicado. Check it out and feel free to send feedback.